Author Archives for Blair Kirchner


Vagus Enhancing You: Article Sidebar

June 18, 2019 4:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This post is an article sidebar to "Can Your Vagus Nerve Stimulate Your Business Success?" Unrelated to business (directly) but this is not to be missed information. A mode of action analysis of how the vagus works suggests it works by reducing inflammation (a modern day culprit impacting performance via a number of health issues).

Yin and Yang: Finding Balance Between Tacit & Explicit Knowledge

June 6, 2019 2:21 pm Published by Comments Off on Yin and Yang: Finding Balance Between Tacit & Explicit Knowledge

It is inherent in the essence of business that for true success, you must be able to leverage the relevant (explicit vs tacit) knowledge based on research and trial and error with the subtleties that are learned only as you hold on to a cat’s tail. In other words, you are best served with complimentary skills/experience – a combination of both – and not the exclusion of either.


What Can Paying Attention to Your Breath Do for You? Mindfulness Impact on Mind-Body-Soul

May 8, 2019 8:00 am Published by Comments Off on What Can Paying Attention to Your Breath Do for You? Mindfulness Impact on Mind-Body-Soul

This post is simply a cross section of information designed to illustrate some of the many documented benefits of mindfulness. As a quick sidebar, I believe it is philosophically inconsistent with mindfulness for it to be used to “enhance performance”.

man laughing

How Funny is This? The Benefits of Laughter in the Workplace

February 6, 2019 8:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There is no shortage of lists of how laughter can lead to successful business. I have included three of these in the bibliography, but I will summarize it in a few categories that I feel are most relevant. Let me start with a cautionary note – laughter is undeniably about context – no one wants to come across as the court jester.