Look Up, Look Down, Look up…..You will get through this
On a recent hike I couldn’t help, but notice the rhythm (largely subconscious) of lifting the head to see what the trail has to deliver and looking at the ground for obstacles.
On a recent hike I couldn’t help, but notice the rhythm (largely subconscious) of lifting the head to see what the trail has to deliver and looking at the ground for obstacles.
In light of the persistence of the current COVID-19 situation, I have chosen (more than usual) to continue to use neuroscience from still another “different” angle.
This is the latest (but almost certainly not the last!) effort to share ideas/resources related to dealing with the impact of world challenges: with the COVID-19 outcome still uncertain – climate issues looming that will likely dwarf COVID-19, all this against a backdrop of social and other inequalities.
September 24, 2020 ~ Written by: W.B. “Bud” Kirchner At Kirchner Group we have a rule of thumb: you don’t really understand something until you can describe it via metaphor. With the COVID-19 outcome still uncertain – climate issues looming that will likely dwarf COVID-19, all this against a backdrop of social and other inequalities, we...
The use of the terms “worrier” versus “warrior” is not new. Yet, the actions of the true warrior addressing real-world complex threats is not often articulated. The COVID-19 pandemic provides a pressing opportunity to illustrate what a warrior looks like in a COVID world. Thus, this article’s primary focus is on a couple of examples of true warriors who live in the present moment and do that wisely and earnestly.
This article concludes our report on some recent research related to “civic honesty” and includes a recap of some of our earlier perspectives on ethics and values in business. As you know, this issue is extremely timely for so many reasons.
In this 2 part series, we planned to report on some recent research related to "civic honesty". Given its relevance to our (perpetual) theme - namely ethics and values in business - part 1 will recap some other perspectives that have been addressed in earlier articles.
There are a number of ‘tests’ that the results should meet including the gold standard of medical research: randomized controlled trial. One category of validation is known as ecological validity.